Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in the land is fairest of all?" to which the mirror always replies "You, my queen, are fairest of all." ....sure everybody remembers these infamous lines by the Queen in Snow White Fairy Tale...
Mirror is and has been playing a very crucial role in human existence! Why do we LOVE mirrors? Why do we need to have mirrors in the gyms???
Sure there is a functional benefit/ explanation/ justification of why we want to live with mirrors, i.e., we want to 'monitor' / 'control' our physical appearance and make necessary adjustments if needed...is that it? just a monitoring tool for us??? not really...mirror has a far further significance than its bare functional value add in our society....which is linked to 'transformation' concept we discussed in our previous blogs...
Mirrors are tools enabling us to re-assure ourselves that we are or in the course of be-coming power-full! They project our image in our mind and helps us to continously prove to ourselves that we are power-full living beings...Mirrors 'tell us' (like in the case of Snow White) that we are the person we want to be or be-come!
Did you ever wonder why we have so many mirrors in the gyms??? Because as important as music, the mirrors help us to get / stay motivated...Mirrors show the movie of how we transform from 'weak' beings to 'stronger' beings by using various tools we exercise with to pump up our muscles, confidence to survive and reach our dreams in this world!!!
How far can we flex the 'mirror symbol' in our civilization?
The reason why the concept of the mirror exists, is because we want to continously feel stronger by reassuring ourselves that we do exist indeed:) We, the human beings need to feel secure at all times, at all cost! Yes, fear is ruling us...unless we begin to embrace love to save ourselves from the chains of fear...
What are the instances, i.e., concrete manifestations of 'mirror' symbol in our lives? For instance:
- Facebook: we use it because we want to talk to friends abroad:) Come on...whether we are aware or not, we love Facebook, because it makes us 'feel secure' by enabling us 'connections', i.e., group of people / our tribe we can survive in....yet more importantly it reassures us of ourselves...our existence....we want to exist...we do not want to die...we are afraid of dying...so we need to express and prove our existence over, over, over, over, over, over and over again...
so we talk about ourselves all the TIME...Descartes claimed ' I think, therefore I am'...In our new technologically advanced world, we became ' I FACEBOOK, therefore I am'....exactly we are what we claim ourselves to be on facebook...we are THE STATUS UPDATES, we are the FRIENDS we 'claim' to be connected with some-how....
We want to use all the means available to re-assure ourselves...so what else???
We consume:)
Not only 'I facebook, therefore I am'....'I CONSUME, therefore I am'...Great for the product marketers...they market objects to people to reassure who they are or who in their minds, they already are...and just want to see a mirror image in this physical world...
Completing the story circle:
Let's reiterate : WHY do we facebook or consume in the first place?
We do facebook or consume, because we feel weak! That's it! Fear, fear, fear!
What do we FEAR?
It is sarcastic, that even if we fear, we still die...So why do we fear?
Simple! Because we POSTPONE death...yet we still die...Fear does not end the situation...it only postpones to a later date, giving us more time in this World...How do we use this time? To enjoy the world??? Very rarely...we keep fearing death...in this time we gained...what a human drama?
So how do we POST-PONE death?
We continously EM-POWER ourselves by creating ourselves through communication, linking to other individuals and acquiring symbols of power...which are actually only ways to motivate ourselves...i.e., our will power to live...Most of the things we do during the day are just ways to motivate our individual beings to 'continue' to live...
we WANT to LIVE....WE want to live...WE WANT TO LIVE!
Why do we want to LIVE?
This is a mysterious question, being attempted to be answered by various philosophers to date...Not a clear answer to date...significant ones being, we live, because:
1 - we want to survive
2 - we want to reproduce
3 - we have a goal to accomplish in this Life, which includes creating a connection with the Divine, loving and caring for a person, completing an objective
No matter which human question we tackle within the realm of marketing philosophy, they all direct us towards the 'will to live'....this is the simple basic motivator of humanity..Independent of 'why we live'...there is an observable fact over generations that 'we want to live'!!!
Can the answer be? 'We want to LIVE, because "WE" wants to live'...??? [grammar is correct:)]
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