Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HE-MAN: "I have the POWER!!!"

What is the main commonality between beauty, pharmaceutical, sports, education, fashion industries and He-man cartoon?

The fact is that they are all in TRANS-FORMATION business! They sell transformation to their customers.

What is Transformation?
According to Beolingus Online dictionary[;service=dict-en], transformation means in genetics modification of a cell or bacterium by the uptake and incorporation of exogenous DNA or in outside world the act of changing in form or shape or appearance...The main criteria for something/ someone to transform is the fact that its physical shape has to CHANGE.

So what KIND of change?
Usually it is connoted with positive change in state, i.e., going from weak state to a more powerful state.

WHY is there a Change?
Because the transformed organization has a NEW MISSION and execution of this mission requires a NEW Body:)

HOW does Transformation occur?
The organism needs tools to go forward in a new body towards the new mission. These tools can be internal tools (like reflection, change in assumptions) or external tools like He-man's sword:) A caring environment is also key to support you as you go through transformation [not a prerequisite, a nice to have criteria]

Pharma, beautification, education, sports, fashion industries, they are all promising the customers transformation, ...i.e., customers we want to be trans-formed...Let's go back to He-man to understand the transformation concept better [Firstly i believe that if we cannot understand a concept simply, we cannot understand its application in complex matters, which only dilutes the core concept]

He-Man ("The Most Powerful Man in the Universe!"[1]) (IPA: /ˈhiː.mæn/[2]) is a heroic fictional character in the Masters of the Universe franchise. He is the alter ego of Prince Adam and also the twin brother of She-Ra. The character's name comes from the word he-man, which was once used to describe a strong, masculine and virile male. He-Man and his friends defend Eternia and the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil forces of Skeletor.

The planet's inhabitants are dealing with the aftermath of the Great Wars, which devastated the civilizations that once ruled supreme over all lesser beings. The Wars left behind advanced machinery and weaponry known [He-man's sword] only to select people. An early incarnation of the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull gives He-Man some of these weapons, and he sets out to defend the secrets of Castle Grayskull from the evil villain Skeletor


So the storyline is clear:
1 - Prince Adam has a mission: He wants to defend Castle Grayskull from the evil villain Skeletor
2 - Prince Adam has a tool: He has the sword that em-POWERs him to BE-COME He-man. He becomes " The most powerfull man in the Universe"
3 - Prince Adam has a loving/ caring environment, with our famous Orko:), Sorceress, etc, which only helps him to flourish

So, how is He-man linked to the industries mentioned before? Simply through transformation...All these industries em-POWER people with tools to BE-COME some-BODY else:)

a - Pharma industry: If you feel weak, you just need to drink vitamins, magic pills, there you go:)
b- Beauty industry: If you want to have power over men simply, just look pretty;)
c - Sports industry: If you want to be respected as a strong person, literally become strong physically
d - Education industry: If you want to BE-COME useful and earn money/ accomplish any other goal in life, you need the tools education supplies you with (e.g., information, perspective, connections, etc)
e - Fashion industry: If you want to become a powerful man, you need a Rolex:) and wear expensive suits

and many more industries are built on marketing transformation to their customers:) For instance Edward Bernays (we owe him the the honor of creating public relations/ marketing) leveraged feminism movement to market cigarettes to if women wanted to become powerful, they had to do what their male peers were doing, i.e., smoke a cigarette:) Did you know that initially men used to wear high heels to avoid mud on the streets...once men stopped wearing high heels (subject to research, potentially because streets got better infrastructure), the industry leveraged women's desire to be on the same level as men and marketed high heels to them, which in time become even more connoted with elegance and femininity.

What other underlying common concepts are there beyond 'transformation' with which humans relate to the world? According to Gerald and Lindsay Zaltman [], there are 7 main deep metaphors which marketers need to leverage, i.e.,
1 - Balance
2 - Transformation
3 - Connection
4 - Container
5 - Journey
6 - Resource
7 - Control

I also do agree with this list of deep metaphors at first glance. These are basically the SIMPLE activities early homo saphiens did to survive and more importantly to reproduce, i.e., these are the ways in which humans used their environment to survive/ reproduce.

Marketings' main input is homo saphiens...hence we must master these concepts if we want to have a place in the history of marketing and contribute to our civilization. Bonne chance!

1 comment:

  1. okuyacağım ve en değerli yorumu yazacağım.kımsenınde bı sey yazabıleceğini zannetmiyorum yani türklerden.ya başarılar.seni seviyorum.
